Thank you for all applications, although I did ask for email, you are welcome into the society Charlotte. I have had five people email me, which is enough for a starting, as I outlined in my replies, I think our activities should be decided at our first meeting, and you all know when and where that is because I told you. I have an idea though, an idea I think you'll like, but it can wait.
Oh, and just as soon as the picture's uploaded I will send you an email with your names, and since you'll know them, I can say that Mr Rocco has suggested a society slogan, that being 'Friends applaud, the comedy is over', suitably by Ludwig Van. Mr Rocco and I plan to use this as the motto for our first year, again because symbolically it is very appropriate. After our first year a new motto will be decided on to represent those future plans.
Oh, and just as soon as the picture's uploaded I will send you an email with your names, and since you'll know them, I can say that Mr Rocco has suggested a society slogan, that being 'Friends applaud, the comedy is over', suitably by Ludwig Van. Mr Rocco and I plan to use this as the motto for our first year, again because symbolically it is very appropriate. After our first year a new motto will be decided on to represent those future plans.
Anyhoo, all things aside, nothing is set in concrete until our first meeting, after which we shall have a Vice President, Treasurer, Group coordinator/Secretary and two people who have expressed their desire just to be ordinary members.
Many, many salutations to those special few who have chosen to understand this post,