Sunday, February 10, 2008

Inner Wasps

Being unempathetic would go a long way in my, your, or anyone elses life. One of the most difficult things that I've had to grow accosomed to as I've tried to become more sociable is my empathy. Not that I didn't have some before, I just always masked it, and now that I'm sick of being mystical and doing that stupid answering every question with a question thing I have re-discovered it. It makes things difficult.

Even little things like waiting for someone to catch up or picking up someones pen if they drop it feel strange. It must be just part of social growth. I read somewhere that psyclologists are really worried about cellphones, because they allow people to say whatever they want without having to see the other person's reaction. Or deal with what they think (not developing empathy). I don't think they're talking about me or any of you regular readers, but more for the people living in less privilaged homes, that might not get love or attention from their parents. It makes sense, but is a little over paranoid.

Jacobs party was great fun. People are so different outside school! Who was there? Well... Jacob, of course. And Sam, Kristin, Jonny, Daniel, Siobhan and Elyse. I hope I have'nt missed anyone out because that would be terrible of me. I T W A S S O M U C H F U N ! ! !
I feel conected to people, its something I've never felt before. Like I have to see them and be with them to survive or something.

Love you (whoever you are reading this).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know exactly what you mean [Or whatever the hell I got out of this] xD