Friday, March 14, 2008


Yes is an incredibly positive word. In fact, I have decided to place a ban on No. It's just not a helpful thing to say. No more No.

How come the comment life is so dull on this blog? And Rosieanna's! We should have discussion comments like most blogs do! And we will! Yes! But I do need disscussionable things to write... So if anyone has any ideas feel free to comment! Lets get this party started!


Anonymous said...

What sort of things? Give me examplez! xD

Blair said...

Just anything that people will comment on lots! Controvercial stuff! Debateable stuff! Engaging stuff!


Uh, like? No, no, if I could think of examples I would have put them on there!

Get that genius mind working Roseanna the Camera :+)