This is a concept idea that I hope will work. The idea is thus: I give a detailed description of a target, and you figure out a way to kill him. There may be special conditions to the killing, such as no evidence of a murder, or nobody else being injured.
This, I hope, will serve as a mental exercise, so I hope there is some debate amongst us as to the most efficient method. No one way is the right way, so long as any chosen way is practical.
One assumes that you have access to modern weapons and utilities, so anything you need you can use - that said - the use of a helecopter or a chainsaw rocket launcher will not be that encoraged...
Have fun and discuss! Tell your friends!
My first attempt at a target, I wrote it so feel free to ask questions!
Elderly Elimination
The target is a retired man, 66 years old. He lives with his retired wife of 61, and with no other family. His relationship with his wife is close and committed, and she doubles as his part-time carer. A guard is present Monday-Saturday from 9am to 7pm in a guardhouse by the front gate. The target suffers from short-sightedness and cannot make out details particularly well without his glasses, although he only removes these at night and in the bath. He also suffers from severe arthritis in the knees and cannot move quickly or climb stairs unassisted. He is prescribed Vicodin for the arthritic pain, and is also known to self-medicate with generic oxycodone, which he purchases monthly through the Internet. He is usually housebound, exceptions being every Monday when he visits his daughter in the nearby town, and on Wednesday and Saturday evenings when he takes a short stroll around the grounds of his house with his wife in an effort to keep active. His wife is slightly deaf and suffers from mild arthritis in the hands and wrists. She is prescribed Ambien for insomnia and Vicodin for the arthritic pain.
He spends much of his time during the day alone in his study, where he browses the Internet for long periods of time, writes letters to acquaintances (which his wife posts for him in the nearby town every Thursday, a day she usually spends shopping for clothes and household goods) and listens to classical music at low volume on an old record player. His wife is usually occupied with household tasks or watching television in the sitting room, which is adjacent to the study. She occasionally pops in to the study to check on him. He wakes at 8am sharp every morning and goes to sleep at 9pm, the same hours that his wife keeps. Meals are taken together in the dining room in winter, and in the summer in the glass conservatory at the back of the house, the back door of which is usually left open in warm weather along with the study and sitting room windows. These are closed and locked when the target and his wife retire to bed. The guard customarily eats lunch with the family at around 2pm, but spends his other time in the guardhouse. The target drives a black 2006 Toyota Land Cruiser which is shared with his wife. Groceries are delivered on Mondays and Thursdays in the early afternoon.
The target lives in a large, two-storey walled and gated house in Burlington Country, New Jersey, USA. It is part of a small, upper-class development with a private in-road around 10 miles from the nearest large settlement, Evesham. The entry and exit of vehicles by road is logged, and cameras also watch the road. The house itself is also monitored by external stationary CCTV cameras. There are five cameras in total; one on the guardhouse monitoring the front gate (which is electronically unlocked and opened from inside or opened via transmitter from the outside by the guard, target or his wife), two on the front of the house overlooking the driveway and two at the back corners of the house overlooking the grounds and conservatory. These latter four are mounted around four metres up. These cameras are watched during the day by the guard in the guardhouse, and record at night but are not monitored. The grounds are mostly flat, open and green, with a few trees but little other cover. The walls are approximately nine feet high and flat-topped.
A blueprint map of the downstairs of the house and grounds is found below. Thicker portions of walls are doors, thin portions of outside walls are windows and cameras are represented by small squares, with their fields of vision shown. The locations of the desk in the study and television in the sitting room are also shown.

The precise layout of the upstairs is not given. It is known to contain an en-suite bathroom with a shower and another main bathroom with a bath and shower. The master bedroom is located directly above the sitting room and part of the reception area. There are two other guest bedrooms which are not used, and another large unused room which has been turned over to storage.
Special requirements. The death must not be suspicious or able to be traced to an assassination in any way. There are to be no casualties or injuries apart from the target.
If there is anything else about the scenario you wish to know, ask me and I may give extra information.Feel free to discuss tactics or methods with others and to discuss and critique other users' approaches. Feel free to use elements of other users' approaches in your own (there are some ways of doing things that are simply the most logical, after all), although credit will be given for originality.
1 comment:
On a Sunday evening, attach many comical strap-on dildos to your body and carry some papers in order to disguise yourself as a masturbation spokesperson. Parachute into the grounds and knock on the door. Hopefully, the wife will answer. Ask her if her arthritis obstructs masturbation. She will be taken aback. This is when you push her out of a window, that may or may not exist, and lock the door. Make your way into the study where the man should be. Tell him you must lock the door in order to gain an official reading. He should oblige, considering how many medical problems he has, thinking this appointment must have "slipped his mind". Stab him promptly in the heart with a sharpened dildo and kick him to death. Light him on fire and exit. I know I have failed on many levels, but I tried.
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