No original content still, I guess I'm feeling uninspired, there's nothing but spite in my bones - so I'll post others insparations for you to dislike. Did you see what I did there?
Anyhoo, if I grow up and make shit like this I will be a happy man? Maybe. Maybe I need God? Maybe not.
You know, there's this whole thing about youth and the rejection of youth, but nobody seems to care who you are.
Like that whole rebellion movement - you were so badass - and anyone that was still stuck in the self-depressed movement was behind; and to be avoided. And now, reject rock and roll and just don't give a fuck? Yeah well you'll make that a movement too. And woe to anyone that doesn't belive in your anti-movement movement.
I mean I guess in a way I'm joining the bandwagon, it's the same stuff I'm saying after all. But I reject your cattle-wolf mentality. It is no better than your last phase.
Do you get what I'm getting at?
I say a lot of things online that i wouldn't say otherwise, and I like that.
Yeah so anyway if I end up being called a visionary I'll be happy? Probably.
And by the way the blogs are good. I don't comment much because i can't but I read and I enjoy.
Thank you Nam, thank you Jonny and thank you Siobhan.
Oh and I want to be more social.
Exept is citisising my fellow movementers the way to go about that? No, it's not.
You see, I've always spoken my mind, and people have always loved that about me. Exept now not so much. They don't like what I say. I'm negative and deconstructive and often arrogant. And I'll tell you that underneath I'm a nice person when really, underneath that, I'm a wannabe manipulative.
But underneath that I'm a nice person. And I've just developed this image of what other people think of me that is unsavory and unwholesome. Really people think I'm a nice, slightly awkward boy that has a mind like a wafting needle.
There you go. Thats my whole soul at the moment. Does it tell anyone anything?
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