Monday, December 22, 2008
I wouldn't put it past Steven... Fry!
I was going to post pics but I can't upload.
Necrophilia is such a turn off.
Were you aroused before this? Are you now?
Read 'The Origin of Conciousness' if you have finnaly chanced upon the flaws of existentialisim.
Watch Requiem for a Dream.
And 'pie' (which is spelt in maths) I promise on your dead juicy pussy that you will not be dissapointed.
I am going now,
Sunday, December 21, 2008
For Siobhan
Strawberry Fields Forever
Walk on the Wild Side
Anywhere l Lay My Head (Tom Waits)
Cymbol Rush (Tom Yorke)
These songs, all for seperate reasons. None of them make me that sad, they more reflect emotions, and images, and kernundrums close at hand.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Monday, December 15, 2008
There and back again
I look around the blogs and so much of the commenting and posting seems to have a hidden agenda.
But then I look for that don't I. Because I'm sure that somewhere within me there must be an artist. And people aren't nasty. They are nice. a lot of the time. because they are.
And your comment Siobhan is most welcome, but for some strange reason my psp won't let me reply.
Cute is very nice. And look! I'm all out of text box! Right about now.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
When daytime comes I get up late and go out to see him, but it's not the same. In fact I can't fucking stand him. He just walks away from me. We have a mutual agreement only to see each other at night, when he is vulnerable, and I can guide his thoughts in the darkness.
Monday, December 8, 2008
Thirsty Gentleman
There'll be no oasis for a thirsty grazier
there'll be no refreshment, for a thirsty jackaroo,
From Melbourne to LA on the overlander.
With new fangled buffet cars, and faster locamotives
The train stopped in Christchurch less and less often.
There's nothing sadder than a mind with no cheer,
Vic Rail decided the talent was no longer necessary there.
The noon sun beats down a hundred and four,
Theres a hummingbird trapped in a closed down shoe store.
Because you just keep me hanging on thats why. Lou Reed's a fucker, and yet clearly he knows pure bliss. I want some of this bliss.
Love is pure bliss, and my life is lacking in heart.
Oh fuck up Blair, these posts got old last time.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Little Ms Lolita
When the fuck did a controlled tounge become a right of passage?
I had my depressed posts period, and now you EXPECT me to put up those SHIT-KICKER 'my life = misery' posts, just because it fits your spiralling normality.
Your velvet; regular, high-achieving rebellion.
Steven Fry -OR- Nelson Mandella, try being ONE.
Monday, December 1, 2008
Mobile blogging made this tricky double post thing, it could be here for a while, and I'll still be stale
'whats that?'
Well yes; But did Nicole win her
life's lottery saying that line?
So I've sat for three hours of my life without moving a muscle. And after I think about it for another while I do recieve some minor revalation from the film. But not one that helps me- You yourself don't watch much daytime television, yet its great when I spend half of my day receiving minor revelations from the same screen? And I guess at
Heroin. Now that'd be righteous. That would make me cool again.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Trainspotters and wonky tracks
Do we really reach a peak in our lives, a place where we've got the hang of things, only to loose it and never recover? And if so am I on an upward spiral or a downwards one? Am I just struggling to get back to where I once was?
I guess therin lies the dilema. If we are at our peak part of being there is not knowing we are any good... And then when we are trying to reclaim greatness we ingnore...
Therefore we can never truely know where we are in life. To be great we must delude ourselves that we aren't good enough, and when we are nothing we pretend we are kings. King of a whorehouse, in my case, in my head it makes me even more superior.
...This thinking makes me very lonely. Lonlier by the day actually. Mesurably so.
Maybe... That's the only way we can measure? By social acceptance.
And that thought makes me even lonlier...
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
I need to think before I write posts. I will in future. I keep my promises.
I went into the english exams with the best intentions and everything went well. I hear most others did well too. Hooray.
I would have preferred something a little more interesting actually, like a tricky question or an even mildly difficult unfamiliar texts...
Nobody wants to hear about my exams do they?
Ok my life. I am... working on a short film. I have only filmed 20 seconds of it so far because it can only be filmed at night, and I can't be up for much night, my mother gets annoyed because she thinks I need to sleep. (pffft!) That said, I should move much faster after they have finished and it should be up on here by the end of next week...
...If I had a friend, one that pretty much all we did together was joke and have general fun times (and we spend a lot of time having fun) does that give me a right to ask them for a favor that I could only ask of a friend? Because I guess we are quite close, but not in a serious way...
Maybe it depends on whether they actually care about me... yes... And I don't know that, so maybe I should leave it?
Or not, it is sort of important...
We shall see I guess, I'm only young and I guess part of life is learning!
Have lots of fun if you still have any exams left!
Monday, November 24, 2008
Target: Elderly Assasination
This is a concept idea that I hope will work. The idea is thus: I give a detailed description of a target, and you figure out a way to kill him. There may be special conditions to the killing, such as no evidence of a murder, or nobody else being injured.
This, I hope, will serve as a mental exercise, so I hope there is some debate amongst us as to the most efficient method. No one way is the right way, so long as any chosen way is practical.
One assumes that you have access to modern weapons and utilities, so anything you need you can use - that said - the use of a helecopter or a chainsaw rocket launcher will not be that encoraged...
Have fun and discuss! Tell your friends!
My first attempt at a target, I wrote it so feel free to ask questions!

Saturday, November 15, 2008
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Just an update on Mr Ofelius's situation.
As you know he was apprehended by the police after we burnt the car, but luckily he was released after a short interrogation. We have sent a thank you letter to the police involved, and you all know what that means...
Anyhoo, next is the hole in Sam H's garden, which if you don't already know will be happening on the 30th of October, 2:00PM.
Jean has blood in her mouth
Hope to see you there loyal members!
Mr Florestan
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Saturday, September 13, 2008
- Truman Capote
I can't write for shit,
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Jimmy: I don't need you to tell me how fucking good my coffee is, okay? I'm the one who buys it, I know how good it is. When Bonnie goes shopping, she buys shit. Me, I buy the gourmet expensive stuff because when I drink it, I want to taste it. But you know what's on my mind right now? It ain't the coffee in my kitchen, it's the dead nigger in my garage.
Jules: Let me ask you a question-
Jimmy: No, let me ask you a question. When you came pulling in here, did you see a sign out in front of my house that said Dead Nigger Storage?
Jules: No, I did not see that sign
Jimmy: Wanna know why? Cause it ain't there, 'cause storing dead niggers ain't my fucking business, that's why!
How about a little fire, Scarecrow?
Saturday, September 6, 2008
At Work On His Masterpiece
Late in the evening as he tucked himself into bed and kissed his relentless manhood goodnight, two lines (two that soon shrank into one) circled in his head. First I must be a prodigy child, and then does it mean a lot that I'm hardcore. And it was then our man discovered that the night is is fine time for the erotic on paper. In the morning his canvas was torn up with disgusting, but the spheres and tubes still had him feeling special.
Once he finally slept the next night after that, his dreams saw a flash of old school schishk! and a thick hand pleated catwalk. At the exhibit of her masterpiece there was thin blooded stale in every shot, If only for a decent photographer. He slept without fear that night.
Another body joined the basement, making six greenhouses rotting perfectly for him in three even rows.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Oh, and just as soon as the picture's uploaded I will send you an email with your names, and since you'll know them, I can say that Mr Rocco has suggested a society slogan, that being 'Friends applaud, the comedy is over', suitably by Ludwig Van. Mr Rocco and I plan to use this as the motto for our first year, again because symbolically it is very appropriate. After our first year a new motto will be decided on to represent those future plans.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Left Boy: Mummy sure takes her time when I'm HUNGRY!
Mummy: You boys have been under there too long, and yes, I have your sandwich but you're going to have to come out and taste the fresh air to eat it because your best blanket cannot get dirty before you go and visit daddy's this afternoon.
Right boy: Who's visiting daddy's?
Mummy: You both are munchkin boys! Now come on
Arms stem into the boy's duvet and pull out left boy with fingers poking from within his armpits, he laughs his way into a spasm that frees himself from mummy's grasp, but after a pat on the cheek and a light kiss from mummy both boys scamper off to their sandwiches, down the hall and outside finding a golden day.
Mummy: Calm down munchkins you can't do that to the grass,
Left boy: Because it grass deserves better?
Mummy: Because the flies are eating your sandwiches, quick! Go!
The Boys run to the table, pick up the sandwiches and splat them straight back down again,
Left Boy: No flies, look bitch! Throws handful of sandwich at mummy, mummy grabs the boy by the neck and drags him inside, heading towards the kitchen.
Left boy: I don't want to go to daddy! I hate daddys and I hate you so you should just go and, drown in a river!
The sink is full of dirty dishes and green water, mummy pushes Left boy under, he struggles and his naked body grazes against the sides of the bench, Mummy pulls lets his head out and he throws himself at her arms flailing, however he is held at bay with a simple outstretched hand.
Mummy: Don't be like that, you'll be back with me in three and a half sleeps, (Boy doesn't cease) However if you try all that with a daddy we will keep you away until you learn manners and a tinsey bit of etiquette. You're the most popular little boy there is and ever will be so we can always find you more daddys, and they will always make you do as you are told.
Right boy: Mummy?
Mummy: Yes, -
Right boy: Can I and Jeffry play some more game before the daddys get here?
Mummy: -munchkin
Right boy: What Mummy?
Mummy: Nevermind darling. As long as you get dressed ready for your daddy you can, will you do that for mummy Jeffry?
Left Boy: If I can play more game Mummy,
Mummy: Off you two go then, I'll bring you your clothes soon,
Boys skip off, Mummy reaches for a cloth from the oven handle and begins to wipe up the small amount of blood resulting from Jeffry's struggling,
Jeffry: (at door) Mummy?
Mummy: Yes munchkin?
Jeffry: I'm sorry for making you angry Mummy, I'll try hard for daddy I promise.
Friday, August 22, 2008
The Fidelio Society
The society is the culmination of several years of buildup surrounding the lives of certain individuals, mostly from Middleton grange school. In light of recent successes in our enterprises it seems at last fitting to formalise our bond and goals, and I am truly honored to have been given the task of orchestrating what will, if all goes to plan, become a very beautiful scene.
Most anyone can be a member, so long as you aren't on our growing blacklist, and I would be delighted to hear from you! Information on the details of society activities will be administered on application.
Your servant in waiting,
Blair Gillespie-Smith
Thursday, August 21, 2008
But it's her girl, that entrances me night after night.
Whilst she's out on the town
We watch Winnie, read Fraggle,
Suck eggs out of eggshells
but no more than three, till no later than seven.
I kiss her goodnight,
twice on the forehead
and once on the lips.
Copying notes off a friend,
till Saturday night,
Climbing over the couch,
Giggle into her eyes
and at seven o' five,
kiss my girl
on the forehead;
and once on the lips.
Beautiful stranger,
I can't really know her
except what I've known of her mother;
Compulsive as sugar,
Rosy cheeks on rosed neck,
Mud brushed from her eyeballs,
on a forgotten old roof
the sunset fades away,
and my daughter was born,
My Isabel Kistle.
I think I'm in love
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
This is not a sufficiant post on its own
You came alive
And I
May just, send you back.
Be gone fool.
Why, be, living inside me, in make-believe lands, cold,
But green. Valleys and vines within rainforests,
Creep, up the falls.
And you walk slowly,
Within it’s walls
It’s in my hand.
You thought you were,
A girl of your word, but still they came, to take you away.
If I didn’t suck you up.
Was that not, the first means of,
That I shared!
Wouldn’t it be cool
Wouldn’t I make a land,
Cold but green;
Now I see!
You can’t live
In a rainforest with an anime town and a sword on your back
Because that’s not me!
You would be in a forlorn planet,
As the rain falls down on all the endless blonde heads, of hair,
That mill together, waiting for me.
You’ll see,
I will repeat myself,
Till I am dry
Like the land I make for me,
Little girl.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
The Game
- In order to play the game, one must simply know about the game, and have a basic grasp of the rules. If one does not read the rules and thus is not playing and cannot lose he wins.
- There is no way to win the game, but one can, at any given moment, be winning. However, awareness that one is in fact winning will immediately make the winning person a loser. The reasons for this will now become no clearer.
- In order to lose the game, one must simply think about it. This means that in order to maintain a certain vague level of success one must know of the game, but not be cogitating it at that moment. This means that by uttering the words "the game" on the internets, or saying them aloud in a public place, you are condemning any present players of the game to a similar loser fate.

Monday, August 11, 2008
21 Techniques of Silent Killing
Friday, August 8, 2008
Works by Rene Magritte P1
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Come on, come on, do it! I can take you! I'll take you all on! Yeah it will be interesting to see what decent shit comes out of this and what dickless cock comes out of this.... (From a fucking 'Mr superior' 'I'm suck a fucking veteran') I have seen a lot of dickless cock in new blogs... Maybe they will surprise me... Who has a blog now? Every man and his dog, the numbers are gargantuan.
And guess who's a bitch!
Camdem town
She couldn't even remember her time here,
If she had ended up old in heaven.
And what a perfect rationale when you need,
To kill all the hope you see around you,
There is a parody in everything,
Even life in every breath...
The driver,
A poor man of sixty.
With a rape charge to his name,
was told,
that he was wrong to kill the child.
And he was found some real-ass help.
Real-ass fast.
The mother,
Was a jew,
Not that it matters.
She can't keep away from the tough guys.
And every time she pop's another,
splatter splat it goes,
one after the other,
on and on and on...
He shouldn't have raped that girl,
She should sleep alone forever?!
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Friday, August 1, 2008

Over his impressive career, he has started several cults, and seen at least two through completion and Removal to other Planes of Existance.
Dr. Lazarus brings his unique pragmatic approach to help You, the beginning cult leader, make His vision a reality. Dr. Lazarus has graciously provided You with the following Transcriptions of Enlightenment that should help get You started on your Divine Quest.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
So Jack comes up with a plan, that him and Isabel do all their doing stuff in secret, he's only really interested in sex, so that's what he means. Isabel is frankly a lot smarter than Jack -the-womaniser takes her for, so knows his plan and doesn't want to do anything unless he actually cares about her. So he pretends to, and Isabel slowly slips in her ignorance of him.
Then comes Aya, who is a LOT smarter than anybody takes him for, who knows the whole thing, and subtly tries to stop them, however as the pair get more and more prevalent Aya becomes manipulative and sadistic to stop them ever being happy with each other, and he wins, even through his death, when at last he wakes up and the blood runs from his eyes;
Crowds of fat wankers,
the air is damp
and we're all moving,
to a park.
We have blue,
and crowds of fat wankers,
washing your shoes
after stepping through their pudding,
the novelty is long gone.
Does it have daisies?
Or only pretty pictures,
drawn, if you'll indulge me,
by skinny wankers, you'd fit in well
Saturday, July 26, 2008
A game of Cake
Friday, July 25, 2008
This is an example of a wanker trying to get my attention:
Lets say..
Theres six people in a room including yourself..Your all sitten around havin a gigglintime watch the 2nd season of The Dave Chappelle Show and maybe havin a few brews (lets say PBR) and you take a small interest in how low your beer is getting.. You then head to the fridge as the other five hale for you to grab them another as well…. You reach the fridge as you slam the the rest of your beer so you can keep your hands clear as you reach into the case..Of course you grab the six beers and head back to the couch..
Now you’ve gt yourself in a predicament.. Now that you have finished the last beer first, it is more than likely you will be finishing the next one before anyone else.. therefore, you will probably have to retrieve the beers for the rest of the night, known to these fellows as the “Beer Bitch”
So the solution for all of those caught in this predicament is to do the math.. Take the amount of people in the room including yourself.. and add one.. And of course the procedure continues.. Since you were the last one to finish the last round, go and grab the beers, always add one because since you will be more than likely to finish your beer first, that extra beer left will be yours.. And the rotation continues to the next person that finished the beer that you brought first..
PR+1= -BB
and as always, keep the rotation going
He accompanied this post with a very convincing photo of a brown dick, and he's probably about tweleve knowing the cunts that write this shit. Gigglintime, I did think about posting the dick, but look at the damage a fucking poem did.
My post edit thiny is doing that double spacing on your 'enters'. You can't write poems like this, and I had a poem. Not that anyone reads it because you never comment.
I am in a very bad mood, I apologise for all the cursin', (but I can think of worsn')
Do you want the cock? The picture. Tell me you want the cock, my cock, and you always get it.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Friday, July 18, 2008
Monday, July 14, 2008
I am annoyed, the last bit will probably be in the movie if I can make up a point for it. Woooohhoooooo...
"You are just afraid"
"I cannot talk to you Jack. Not until you've let me go"
"Oh. Well I don't feel like talking to you either! You will change your tune once I get into your house, drug your food. You'll wake up fucking your daddy with the new Isabella Junior just waiting to pop out!"
"Thats not what I meant"
"I've been waiting my whole life for this moment and its what I'll do! Watch your arse or there'll be a pretty blonde shit coming out it."
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Blog Entry dated 13/07/2008 6:43 p.m.
This is posted using a fancy program, Adobe Contribute, but so far it does fuck all.
Friday, July 11, 2008
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Wait- It isn't autumn is it?!?
It’s just a leaf
But I’m the one that saw it fall
To me it’s coloured pink,
With violet wings
As it falls
For the first time
My window is solid
As it hits the ground
The ground! That bears,
The fruit of nothing
But heartaches,
For a while
My ground! That lives
A violent man inside
Whose tomb is warm
Without you little leaf,
My violet flying leaf,
For just a moment
Show my heart
Your path
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Zits are for girls who care. I have skin, but a zit for you will always be a beauty spot for me-
-Oh beauty bullshit spot! I've been your age and I know that an ugly pussball is always going to be an ugly darn pussball... But then I was a bit of a niggerpotomas
Fat nigger. There's still plenty of fat niggers around believe me, You don't hear it now because in the eighties people started using ph-fat.
Not so cool,
not so cool. Your zits a zit.
That is the entire fruits of today's labour. Dialougue is hard for me.
My mum asked me today whether or not my movie was portraying women in an acceptable way. wtf, of course not, its about a boy's sexual fantasies,
Monday, July 7, 2008
In the moment
I can’t see the stars-
It’s cloudy in my arms
As I drop the phone
The blood seeps from my eyes
My time is my surprise
And I show my age at last;
Write the words
By pressing buttons
That are meaningless
And in that we are the same;
Always slightly overdone has
Been the way for me
-The one-
To blame.
It’s all I've gained!
You are too late though,
you missed the parlour games!
And it looks like rain,
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Everyone end up bothered but me
Mr Blue,
In the nude
Spies Mrs Tee and Dee
Getting rude,
Thats crude
Wordless love
It’s a lovely day for dreaming
Of birds and blue and hair,
Though I’m never one for skipping,
I’m dancing through the air
It’s so bittersweet
But oh so sweet
The nectar of my love
Has been sucked dry from the stale milk in my lungs,
Though it is hard to believe
Only now I cry,
I’ve never been happier
Happier without love!
But finally now
I wish I could relate to you in French words!
To think I found myself cold
Because ice don’t warm blood
A ballad for all the lives I’ve broken
Is a snowstorm of love?
So now I’m,
Sitting in cafès
Avoiding all my family
Until I want things
Then getting them to notice me
I’m so elated
I speak in loves own words
Watching a seagull
Level with the windowpane
Makes me dream of
Movie love in the rain
It’s always bitterly
I am loving love for words of love
The situation of the Maori era
Up north they are,
Not for me
I’m Classic White,
Egg white,
You see me because I’m splattered
In a bowl,
With your milk;
I don’t care
So I stop,
Blackbird Pie
His lightening fingers grace the page
forever now his own
A bleessing,
dnd a hurt,
The buttons come alive
First the sizzors of anarchy
cutting throught the silk
First the cry of argument
Over forever now,
spilt milk
"You cannot keep me in your arms!
I wail
and I'll slutter
The way a genius should!"
His only regret yet
His skilless rage
Their ignorance proven
He didn't learn to sticth
Fucks it up,
Good and proper,
the way a genius should
Yes... Anyway, Someone told me I was a sex god today, as a joke, but it's still bullshit.
Adobe master collection CS3
Thats the one,
Aya: Helloooo…
Isabel walks out
Aya to Jack: I am just so righty tighty aren’t I?
Friday, July 4, 2008
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Pussycat I bet you wouldn't even know what it tastes like, you ain't a lesbian yet
Over The Rainbow
Somewhere over the rainbow
Way up high
There's a land that I heard of
Once in a lullaby
Somewhere over the rainbow
Skies are blue
And the dreams that you dare to dream
Really do come true
Some day I'll wish upon a star
And wake up where the clouds are far behind me
Where troubles melt like lemondrops
Away above the chimney tops
That's where you'll find me
Somewhere over the rainbow
Bluebirds fly
Birds fly over the rainbow
Why then, oh why can't I?
Some day I'll wish upon a star
And wake up where the clouds are far behind me
Where troubles melt like lemondrops
Away above the chimney tops
That's where you'll find me
Somewhere over the rainbow
Bluebirds fly
Birds fly over the rainbow
Why then, oh why can't I?
If happy little bluebirds fly
Beyond the rainbow
Why, oh why can't I?
Great song, anyhoo. I haven't posted lately because there doesn't seem to be much wrong with me. No, not really. Drama was good, not fantastic, but good. The movie is- AHA!
The movie. Verbs, I don't know when it will be coming out, just that it will. Sometime, when we have found lots of kids that are prepared to get naked on camera. I might have to cut that scene out. Or I guess we could just take a feild trip to india and get some little prostitutes to film with. Thats terrible, I should delete that.
Anyhoo, I suck at screenplays. Its because of all the dialougue? Because I can't talk to people in real life. Thats it. Anyhoo it is very slowly coming along. Its rubbish though, I just finiashed writing a scene where Jack rips his eyes out, and its rubbish.
All about me this post is.
And I'm even self-rightious enough to make jokes about five year old indian whores, twice now.
I'll shut up.
No I won't. Everyone sucks, they have all turned into such cunts lately. Well some of them turned sooner than others, and some were always like they are, but there are lots of people who have become really bitchy all of a sudden, to everyone, and everyone has to one or another degree. Even me I would suspect, but i couldn't see it because I'm me.
If you're reading this and you happen to have turned into a bitchy cunt stop it.
I still love everyone though, well not everyone, but everyone I ever did I still do! Love you all!\
Sunday, June 15, 2008
I’m helmet head
Shaking all that
you have ever said,
Though your skin
will always call me,
into paradise.
Of course its worst
When I’m in bed
I rub my face
Till my eyes are red,
I sing for truth!
And you chorus boldly,
Love me do you?
But now,
At last,
I’m beautiful;
To me.
But wait!-
A hug is nothing more
than a sample peace
You gave to me
to seek release
What a slut!
A whore!
In the felled rings
of a crucifix!
I tried,
and you let me go
Above cupid’s stars,
and my farthest throw.
Friday, June 13, 2008
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
It would be a shame if it was your life. I should do that someday. We need that sort of stuff for our movie, a line as good as that, and a charachter as subtle and sinister as Churguh.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
STOP! (I need to know how)
I feel sick. On my birthday. This is the worst birthday I have ever had, I want to make myself happy again. And tempting myself isn't the way to do it. I need something to take my mind off things until I am prepared to face my anguish...
Any ideas?
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Friday, May 16, 2008
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
The Revenge of the Fittest
Selly lettle gals
Speak in selly lettle ways
So raising skinny, bitchy little waiters
To be fucked
Makes sense to me at last
Like they know what they mean,
Or what they want
So let’s hang them off our dicks!
Keys on a key ring
And use butter to fit ourselves into their tiny heads
It’s not like they’re going to stop us
But they might find out… (Ahh!)
That we loose them like socks
So quietly now boys
Or they’ll think it’s us to blame
Leach off every one of us
And treat us all the same
I think its a little short... It certainaly doesn't last long. What do you think?
Monday, May 12, 2008
Bitch Ugly Faces
You who has the power to be rich
Like I was rich
Yes you who loves to make me run
Without a single sponsor over my head
For a burning medallion
Yes you! Kill. Me.
Before you let me live for you
For I live to love
The glasses you craft
For your own disguise
And I love to live
In a self-sadistic hope
Of a you-me (dream come true)
But I love a ship that was made to sink
But for a single lonely boat
With you on it?!
Though now you go!
As high as a bird!
Leaving me here
You love to leave
My bitch ugly face
In your dust
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Don't hold your breath
(It is so sensual to just flick between two keys like that!)
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! I'll post later today when i think of something to post!
Friday, May 9, 2008
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
The last post wasn't for the masses, so this is...
Sigh, but I am trying. All you skinny good looking girls out there are screwed (If you want me, it seems they don't).
(full stop)
I am over feeling bad. Horrible. I want to climb through a chain link fence into a school and run away when a teacher is spotted.
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Stop going insane Blair!
I want to start again, to be reborn without all my emotional stuff that has built around me! So I can make choices that won't hurt me, and listed to apparently wise advice. But than that might also mean I wouldn't know the people I love now, and i don't want that. I am rambling again. But i wish i had mever set out along this path!
Lets talk about sex kids!
See, all better! Well probably not, that wasn't very nice of me. I am again sorry
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Please don't shag me, I'll trap you into making a promise
Thursday, May 1, 2008
The I am Writing Verbs Decision
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Saturday, April 26, 2008
'Oh he made my blood just burn! I flipped do far I thought that I would not return!' (Get him back - Fiona Apple)
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Monday, April 14, 2008
What is life? Concious... So the oppisite of that is unconcious right?
Is that death? No. Well maybe, well, actually, I dont know...
Exiting stuff! Anyhoo I wonder because if I hate life will death really stop it? Fix it? (I'm not saying I want to kill myself.. Life can be in many dimensions...)
I don't know if it will... So how do I stop conciousness?
I dont know...
Fargmented aren't I?
Or exited.
I want to be happy!
NOW, not in a few months time!
But how?
Tell me...
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Why Kids don't like Needles
Look at what You’ve done
And what you seeked me out to do
Bury me in time?
When I have just been born to You?!
Maybe made in-vitro
But Your child all the same
Can You stab needles in my temple
And say the I’m to blame?
And wherein lies Your limit
When You’ll stop and see my tears
And how You’ve let your child down
Before it rose to see its years
I’ll be gone before You find my carcass
Say sorry for Your plight
And sorry too for all You’ve done
To kill me in the night
This is the last of my emotional!
The end of April fools
The time of making enimies!
This time its not me,